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Dental Implants – Lisle, IL

Restore Your Smile’s Health, Function, and Beauty!

dentist holding model of dental implants in Lisle

Traditional tooth replacement options only restore the visible portion of your smile. Without the stabilizing effect of the missing tooth’s roots, these treatments rely on the surrounding teeth or oral structures for support. At Arbor Dental Care, we offer a better solution: dental implants in Lisle. Whether you’re missing one tooth or a full arch of teeth, we can help restore your smile’s health, function, and beauty. Call our Lisle dental team today to schedule your consultation and discover if an implant-supported tooth replacement is right for you!

Why Choose Arbor Dental Care For Dental Implants?

  • Entire Dental Implant Process Completed Under One Roof
  • Replace Any Number of Missing Teeth
  • Fair and Honest Fees with no Hidden Surprises

What Are Dental Implants?

diagram of dental implants in Lisle

Dental implants aim to rebuild the entire structure of a missing tooth (or teeth). Below the gumline, the missing roots are replaced by a small titanium post that’s inserted directly into the jawbone. On top of it is a small connecter piece called an abutment, which fastens the final restoration in place above your gumline. The final restoration is a custom-made crown, bridge, or denture that is crafted from high-quality and natural-looking materials to blend in seamlessly with the rest of your pearly whites. The end result is a smile that looks, feels, and functions just like natural.

The Dental Implant Process

Model for holding dental implants in Lisle

There are two phases in the dental implant process - surgical implant placement and restoration. At Arbor Dental Care, we’re proud to offer start-to-finish convenience as our highly trained Lisle dentist can perform both steps right here in our practice. You’ll feel comfortable and at-ease as your smile is rebuilt in a familiar office by a dental team you already know and trust. We’ll personally ensure your dental implant placement goes as smoothly as possible and that your new restoration fits in perfectly with the rest of your pearly whites.

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

Dentist explaining how dental implants work in Lisle

During the initial dental implant consultation, Dr. Marchese performs a highly detailed exam to confirm certain aspects about your oral health and the severity of your tooth loss. Not only will he determine which teeth need replacement, but he’ll make sure no tooth decay or gum disease is present. In the event preparatory treatments are needed, including gum disease therapy, decay removal, tooth extractions, bone grafts, sinus lifts, or another treatment to make dental implants viable, he’ll let you know during the consultation. Furthermore, you’ll have an opportunity to ask any questions you have about your unique treatment plan ahead of surgery.

Dental Implant Surgery

Implant dentist in Lisle and assistant performing dental implant surgery

On the day of your surgery, Dr. Marchese will administer local anesthetic to your mouth to remove any feelings from your gums and nearby oral structures. From there, a small incision is made in the gum tissue so that a tiny hole can be created. This is where the implant will be placed and given time to integrate. After the implant is attached, the gums are then stitched closed. Our team is happy to go over all the most important aftercare steps you’ll need to keep in mind to ensure a speedy recovery.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment

Diagram of a dental implant integrated inside of the jawbone

The implant itself requires time to fully integrate with the jawbone, typically about 3 to 6 months. The fusion of titanium post to organic bone tissue is known as osseointegration and it is a crucial aspect of the dental implant process. This is because there is no periodontal ligament holding the implant in place. Once the fusion is finished, an abutment can be attached. Abutments are small metal connectors that keep the restoration attached to the implant and provide stability. To place them, Dr. Marchese reopens the gum tissue, attaches the abutment, then stitches it closed one more time to give it a few more weeks to heal.

Delivery of Dental Restoration(s)

Diagram showing a dental implant in Lisle inside the mouth

When all healing phases are complete, a permanent restoration can be attached to finally fill the gap in your smile. The restoration used will depend entirely on how many teeth you were missing. Of course, whether you need a single dental crown, an implant bridge, or an implant denture, you can expect a restoration that looks incredibly natural and keeps your bite even. Thanks to our office’s ability to color-match it with existing teeth, no one but you and our team will even know you had teeth replaced!

Benefits of Dental Implants

smiling woman with dental implants in Lisle

Implants go beyond the gums’ surface to replace the entire tooth. As a result, they offer various benefits you won’t get with normal dentures or bridges. These include more confidence, more stability, and a higher quality of life, just to name a few. Although implants tend to cost more upfront compared to other replacement choices, you’ll find that they are well worth the investment both in the short and long terms. It’s why more than 500,000 people get implants every year! Would you like to learn more about everything dental implants can give you? Schedule an appointment with us today!

Day-to-Day Benefits

Unlike traditional dentures or bridges, your new dental implant will never slip or pop out of place, and you’ll find that it’s practically indistinguishable from the rest of your smile. In addition, you’ll regain as much as 70% of your biting force, allowing you to confidently and comfortably continue to enjoy eating all your favorite foods. As far as daily maintenance is concerned, caring for your dental implant is exactly the same as caring for your natural teeth. All you need to do is brush and floss every day, as well as come to your implant dentist in Lisle here at Arbor Dental Care on a regular basis.

Health Benefits

Believe it or not, implants offer many benefits for your oral health and even your overall well-being. For instance, the implant post serves as a root, stimulating new bone growth to keep your jaw strong. Otherwise, it would start to dwindle and weaken with time. Additionally, a dental implant stops other teeth from drifting and doesn’t damage surrounding healthy teeth to preserve your natural smile. Also, because you’ll have a stronger bite, you’ll be able to maintain a healthier diet, providing your body with better nourishment and vitality.

Long-Term Benefits

With a strong jawbone, you can retain a more youthful facial structure and avoid that older, sunken look that commonly occurs with dentures over time. In addition, compared to other replacement options, dental implants are the most reliable solution to treat tooth loss with a success rate of over 95% even decades after placement. In fact, with the right care, you can expect your dental implant to last for many decades to come and not need to be replaced, saving you money in the long run.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

young man with dental implants in Lisle

Nearly any healthy adult suffering from tooth loss can enjoy the benefits of dental implants. However, you may need to complete a few preliminary treatments beforehand to ensure that your dental implants are as successful as possible. During your initial consultation, we’ll carefully review your medical history, oral health, and jawbone density to ensure you’re a good candidate. If needed, we’ll work with you to address any issues standing between you and your new smile!

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

young woman admiring her new dental implants in Lisle

You’ll need three things to be considered a “good candidate” for dental implants:

  • Good overall health: Placing dental implants is a surgical procedure, so you’ll need to be healthy enough to undergo minor surgery.
  • Great oral health: Issues like tooth decay and gum disease can cause dental implants to fail, so these problems will need to be corrected first.
  • Adequate jawbone density: Your jawbone needs to be strong enough to support your dental implant(s). If it isn’t, you may need to complete a bone graft or sinus lift beforehand.

If you’re lacking any of these three factors, there’s no need to worry! You may still be able to get dental implants. We’ll help you figure out what steps you need to take next (such as periodontal therapy, a tooth extraction, bone grafting, etc.) to get you ready for your brand-new smile.

Dental implants can retain a variety of restorations, including crowns, bridges, and dentures. No matter how many teeth you’re missing, they can help you regain a full set of pearly whites!

Missing 1 Tooth

Implant-retained dental crowns are an excellent way to replace a single tooth. We’ll surgically insert a small titanium post where your missing tooth’s roots were. Once it’s fused with your jawbone, we’ll attached a beautiful, custom-made dental crown to the top of the post that blends in seamlessly with the rest of your smile.

Missing Multiple Teeth

If you’re missing several teeth in a row, they can all be replaced at once with an implant-retained bridge. This involves placing two implants on either side of the gap to anchor the new dental structure between them into your smile. This provides superior support without wearing down the adjacent healthy teeth.

Missing All Teeth

While traditional removable dentures can quickly replace a full arch of missing teeth, they often cause irritation and inconvenience later on as they lose their fit. With a few strategically placed implants, an implant denture can replace all your teeth while providing improved function and comfort.

Learn More About Implant Dentures

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

cost of dental implants in Lisle demonstrated by money and a model implant

The price of a dental implant treatment can vary dramatically from case to case. This is because everyone has their own needs when it comes to replacing teeth. Some only need to fill in a single gap while others need to replace an entire arch, and preliminary treatments may or may not be required to ensure that the implant surgery is successful. Our team will work with you to make sure that you can get the treatment you need without breaking the bank. Below are some of the factors you’ll need to keep in mind when considering the final cost of implants.

Preliminary Treatments & Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implant on a stack of money

The preliminary treatments that might be performed before dental implant placement include gum disease therapy, tooth extractions, and bone grafting. They do add to the overall cost of the process, but in the long term they help ensure the success of your new smile, and they are typically partially covered by dental insurance.

Implant surgery has a cost of its own, and it’s normally affected by the location of the surgical site and the type of sedation needed. The entire treatment will be completed in-office, so you don’t have to worry about receiving a bill from a different practice.

The Parts of Your Dental Implant

Smile with a dental implant in the upper arch

The overall cost of implants is affected by:

  • The Number of Implants: It often takes one implant to replace a single tooth, two implants to replace a row of teeth, and 4 or more implants to replace an arch.
  • Type of Restoration: Crowns, bridges, and dentures all have different costs; smaller restorations are naturally less expensive.
  • Material: Sometimes implants are made out of zirconia instead of titanium, which affects the overall cost.
  • Brand: There are different implant manufacturers that meet the needs of various patients. The manufacturer we choose will affect the amount you end up paying; feel free to ask about where we’re getting your implant as well as any brand specific benefits.

How Dental Implants Can Save You Money

Crown, implant post, and titanium abutment

It can be tempting to try and save money by choosing traditional dentures or bridges over implants, but dental implants can end up paying for themselves many times over. You don’t need to pay for a replacement every 5 to 10 years like you would for dentures and bridges, and there are no special solutions you have to buy for maintenance. Also, because they’re easier to take care of, they can help you avoid gum disease, tooth decay, and other oral health issues that would require costly care.

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Woman hugging man in white shirt from behind

Most insurance plans do not pay for the actual dental implants, though there are some exceptions. Parts of the final restoration or preliminary treatments are often covered, however. Our team can review your benefits with you and help you figure out how to maximize them.

Making Dental Implants Affordable

several types of dental implants in Lisle on blue background

To help you pay for dental implants, we can help you apply for CareCredit financing, which allows you to pay the cost of care in monthly installments instead of all at once. The plans offered through CareCredit have little to no interest to worry about.

Dental Implant Post-Op Instructions

a patient checking her new dental implants with a mirror

Once you’ve undergone the dental implant procedure where our team embeds the titanium posts into your jawbone, you’ll need to undergo a healing period. The most important thing you can do is to make sure that you don’t disturb the surgical site so that you can increase the chance of successful recovery. Fortunately, we can provide you with certain post-op instructions to promote smoother and complication-free healing after your dental implant treatment.

What to Do Directly After Dental Implant Surgery

a woman smiling and resting in bed

One of the most crucial things you’ll need to do is get plenty of rest after receiving your new tooth roots. By doing so, you’ll allow plenty of time for the blood clots to form around your implant sites, which are fundamental for recovery. Immediately after your visit, remember to:

  • Avoid touching the surgical site with your tongue or fingers
  • Avoid spitting excess saliva and instead swallow it or use a tissue to absorb it
  • Refrain from smoking tobacco products to prevent infection
  • Keep away from using straws as the suction can disturb the blood clots

Common Side Effects When Recovering from Dental Implant Placement

a man with glasses smiling at the camera

For several days after your dental implant surgery, you’ll likely experience one or some of the following common symptoms:

  • General discomfort: This can be alleviated with rest and pain medication.
  • Intermittent bleeding: Use gauze pads and light pressure to control any bleeding.
  • Swelling: Try using a cold compress to minimize discomfort and prevent inflammation.

If you notice anything unusual or side effects that worsen over time, notify our team immediately for help.

Your Diet After Dental Implant Surgery

a bowl of soft mashed potatoes

Since your metal posts will need time to integrate with your jawbone, you’ll want to avoid biting down around your dental implants. Instead, stick to softer foods that won’t require much or any chewing to enjoy. These can include meals like mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, pasta, yogurt, applesauce, and pudding. Once your implants have successfully fused with your bone tissue, you may begin to work up to your normal dietary choices.

Post-Op Health & Oral Hygiene

a person holding a toothbrush with toothpaste

Keeping your mouth clean is incredibly important during your recovery, as you’ll need to keep bacteria and infection at bay. Simply implement the following oral hygiene practices:

  • Brush your teeth 24 hours after your surgery: Be extremely careful around the implant site.
  • Gently rinse with salt water: This can decrease the risk of swelling and help fight off bacteria.
  • Use alcohol-free mouthwash: When using mouthwash, tilt your head from side to side instead of swishing it around, and then let it pour from your mouth instead of spitting.

What to Do After Your New Teeth Are Attached

a patient checking her new dental implant restorations

Once our team has finally attached your new pearly whites to your dental implants, you might feel some tenderness in your gums for several days. Your mouth will also need to grow accustomed to having your new teeth in place. Thankfully, your new smile should feel completely normal after this short downtime, and you shouldn’t experience any discomfort or complications during this time. If you do, let us know so we can help you right away.

Maintaining & Caring for Dental Implants

a man smiling after receiving his dental implants

After you’ve completed undergoing your dental implant procedure, you’ll be able to appreciate your newly rebuilt pearly whites for decades or even a lifetime! However, this will only be possible if you maintain them with proper care. The good news is that this isn’t very hard to do. With the right precautions and your dentist’s aftercare guidelines, you should be able to enjoy your results for a long time. Read on to learn some of the most important measures for dental implant care.


Make Oral Hygiene a Priority

a woman flossing her dental implants to maintain them

Your new restorations shouldn’t get cavities, but this doesn’t mean the rest of your natural teeth will be completely safe. Even the gum tissue surrounding your dental implants can become vulnerable to bacteria and plaque without proper care. That’s why, if you want to make the most of your renewed smile, you must continue brushing, flossing, and rinsing your teeth regularly every day.

Eat a Healthy Diet

a person eating a healthy meal with veggies

One of the best things about dental implants is your renewed ability to enjoy the majority of your favorite meals like before. Since these restorations will allow you to chew more effectively than other traditional options, you can expand your dietary choices to include healthier foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. You should also avoid overindulging in starchy and sugary treats, which can make your smile more susceptible to bacteria and decay.

Break Bad Habits

a man saying no to smoking a cigarette

To avoid damaging or harming your dental implants, it’s a good idea to quit bad oral habits that can ruin or damage your results. Not only will you need to refrain from biting into hard objects, like ice cubes, but you also shouldn’t use your teeth as tools, such as opening a package. Using tobacco products should be strictly avoided, as this can increase your risk of a failed dental implant along with serious conditions like oral cancer.

Protect Your Dental Implants

a man wearing mouthguards to protect his smile

If you typically enjoy participating in contact sports, you’ll want to keep your pearly whites safe from getting hurt or knocked out. Try investing in custom mouthguards to both cushion and protect your smile. You can also consider getting nightguards for bruxism if you typically clench or grind your teeth during sleep. This can prevent you from wearing down your normal and artificial teeth, preserving their structure for longer.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

a dental patient smiling and giving a thumbs-up

Other than at-home care, make sure to schedule routine visits with your dentist every six months. They’ll examine your mouth and the progress of your dental implants. If they find any underlying issues that can risk treatment failure, they can provide the necessary treatments to maintain your smile. These regular checkups will also help you avoid needing more costly procedures in the long run.

Dental Implant FAQs

Can I Get Dental Implants If I Have Gum Disease?

Dental implants provide predictable results if they have the right foundation and aftercare. Therefore, you won’t be a candidate for the treatment if you have active gum disease, but that doesn’t mean you can’t become one. Periodontal therapy will target the infection and stop it from causing further damage to your smile.

Will I Need Bone Grafting Before Getting Dental Implants?

Many patients require bone grafting prior to their implant placement surgery, but it isn’t always necessary. During your initial consultation, we’ll review a CT scan of your oral structures. If we find you’ve lost bone in your jaw, we’ll recommend the grafting procedure. This adds bone to areas that have weakened to ensure your jaw is strong enough to support the posts long-term. Although it adds another step to your treatment plan, it’s time well-spent to invest in the success of your new smile.

Does Getting Dental Implants Hurt?

You will require oral surgery to place your implant posts into your jawbone. Don’t worry, sedation or anesthesia are used to ensure your comfort. You won’t feel any pain during your procedure; however, you can expect there to be some discomfort while you heal. You can manage it with an over-the-counter pain reliever. After you’ve healed, your dental implants should never hurt. If you have any pain, it can be a sign of implant failure. It’s best to contact your dentist right away to find the source of your discomfort to save your smile.

Can Dental Implants Fail?

Dental implants are the most reliable solution to treat tooth loss. In fact, they have over a 95% success rate. While it is rare, dental implants can fail, but the risk is less than 5%. Most often, dental implant failure is caused by a preventable infection called peri-implantitis. You can protect your investment from complications by committing to your oral hygiene at home and visiting your dentist at least twice a year for a cleaning and checkup.